Thursday, October 15, 2009

Using traffic Exchanges

Hello Everyone,

I am so amazed with such traffic that I have been receiving lately I want to tell the whole world.

You know, I have joined a lot of Traffic Exchange Sites and even most of the PTC and PTR Sites, and so far I am very pleased with my google analytics chart.

When I first started, I was at anywhere from 1 to 4 hits a day. but now that i have joined the Free Traffic Exchange sites I have seen a great improvement of the amount of traffic that my site is producing. It has gone up dramatically to anywhere from 40 to 200 views a day. But for the past three days I've been seeing 100 page views a day.

No, I am not making much money on my site, but that is not really what I designed this blog for. My blog's purpose is to produce information about these PTC, PTR, and PTP sites and the Traffic Exchanges.

So I sign up for them to get traffic, of course that is the purpose of a traffic Exchange site right, but also the advantage of the blog is to let the world know of my experience of with the Traffic Exchange and other sites to let them know that they really do work. Now If it didn't work for me I will not have had posted them here. For me it's not all about the money. It's all about honesty and not being scammed.

I propose, that if I sign up for one of these FREE "Paid To..." Sites then if it works the first time around and I get paid I will have upgraded my membership afterwards and tell the world that it really pays you. In this case, I can now only say that so far, they do produce traffic to your site as far as the pay goes give me between the end of this month and the middle of November and I will let you know exactly how much I got paid, when and from which site.

Until then, none of the site that I belong to have gave me a pay out yet but I have faith in a few of them like my PTCSense.

Thank you for reading and remember you are never obligated to sign up for anything or even upgrade.

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